Thank you!

Holy cow, you guys! What a whirlwind these last few weeks have been! I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support and encouragement I've received from not only my followers but my friends in the business as well, thank you!

Opening a retail store was a dream that I’ve had for a long time, but it was one that I never truly believed was going to come true. It wasn't until this summer that I realized that I could make it a reality if I put in a lot of hard work, and asked others to do the same. (My partner Jake was my rock, and also did so much heavy lifting for me, I could not have done it without them!)

I was very blessed to have a close friend offer to be on the lookout with me for retail property to lease, and she helped me secure our current spot on Warren Street in Concord. Being a spiritual business owner herself she was able to provide a lot of insight and advice in the early days of this project. I truly would not be open today if it weren't for her guidance and generosity.

I'm so excited to have our doors open officially, and to welcome you into our new retail and event space. You can look forward to a bunch of new classes and events, as well as weekly appearances from guest practitioners. I'm also hoping to start a lot of free spiritual programs, including free guided meditation at 6:00 p.m. on Mondays, our manifestation journaling club on Tuesdays, and eventually weekly D&D nights and potluck Dimension 20 watch parties. I have a million things I want to implement and encourage at this new space, so I will stay busy for the next few months at least 😉

I can't wait to look back on this first month and reminisce once the store is more established. It's already been an incredible first week open, so here is to many more! 🥂


Living in Alignment