Living in Alignment

Something I find myself coming back to often is the idea of Self-alignment. It is obviously a big part of my oracle reading business, but it is also integral to my life and spirituality. The idea that following your heart is the path to human fulfillment may seem far fetched, but I really do believe it. Many people talk about reaching enlightenment or ascending to something greater, but what if instead of trying to separate ourselves from the human experience, we leaned into it?

That’s my current goal. I am focusing on being human in this lifetime, being unapologetically human and allowing myself to pursue human satisfaction and pleasures. I am no longer subscribing to the rules that say we have to account for everyone else’s happiness before considering our own. Our intuition is slowly trained out of us as we grow older, every time we deny our truth for the comfort or acceptance of others. It has taken me years of work, and therapy to break out of that trap, and I refuse to fall back into those old habits. I believe wholeheartedly that our emotions are communication and that listening to them leads to knowing yourself more fully. To deny their message leads to feeling abandoned by the self, and what greater hurt can we inflict on ourselves than that?

What if instead we listened to our emotions and chose to move from a place of self trust and self understanding and self acceptance? How does life change?


Thank you!


Life in the Slow Lane